UXLink, your Web3 social platform

UXLink is an innovative Web3 social platform designed to bridge decentralized applications (dApps) with real-world social interactions. It aims to redefine how users engage with Web3 technologies by focusing on privacy, group dynamics, and secure digital identities.


By 2026, UXLink aims to expand its user base significantly, targeting millions of users as Web3 adoption grows. The platform envisions itself as a critical player in the decentralized economy, particularly in the way people build digital relationships and manage assets.

In an era where privacy concerns and data ownership are paramount, UXLink’s approach empowers users by giving them control over their digital identity and interactions.

Its use of advanced blockchain technology ensures that social connections, asset management, and digital identities are secure, private, and entirely user-controlled.

Key Features:

  • Decentralized Identity Management: UXLink allows users to build and manage decentralized identities using blockchain, ensuring full control over privacy and access permissions. This offers enhanced security over traditional web platforms by minimizing third-party data control.
  • MPC-AA Wallets: UXLink employs Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Account Abstraction (AA) wallets. These wallets enhance security by distributing private key control across multiple parties without ever exposing the full key to any single entity. This improves wallet recovery options, making it easier for users to safeguard their digital assets.
  • Social Graph: The platform leverages a decentralized social graph, allowing users to map and grow their social networks while maintaining ownership of their data. Unlike centralized networks where data is controlled by the platform, UXLink’s approach gives full autonomy to users.
  • Group Asset Management: UXLink is designed to facilitate seamless asset management for communities. It allows groups to co-manage assets like NFTs, tokens, and other digital commodities, simplifying governance and decision-making through built-in smart contracts.
  • Decentralized Trading & Asset Swaps: The platform also provides tools for decentralized asset trading, enabling users to swap digital assets directly within their groups or communities. This is particularly useful for tokenized communities, where assets can be exchanged in a trustless manner.
  • Community-Centric Features: The platform places a strong emphasis on community building. Users can create and manage groups, with features such as social recovery wallets to ensure the security of their assets. UXLink provides tools for incentivizing and rewarding participation, further strengthening community bonds through token distribution and other benefits.
  • Developer Tools: UXLink offers robust APIs and SDKs to enable developers to build large-scale decentralized applications. These tools allow integration with existing dApps, making it easier for new and existing projects to onboard Web3 users.

By combining the power of decentralized finance (DeFi) with social networking, UXLink creates a unique Web3 experience, positioning itself as a leader in the space of decentralized social platforms.